Meira MINIATURE EDITION cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Corgi Smiling cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Polar Night cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Enchanted Window cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Blue Moon cross stitch pattern (Tiffany)
AUD $21.00 -
Moonlit Ride cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Botanical Skull cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Cleopatra cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Spooky Reader MINIATURE cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
The Prophetess cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Spooky Reader cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Job cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Bulldog Baker cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Napping Friends cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Krampus Ferret cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Feline Greek God Hypnos cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Nyan Cat cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Gremlins cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00 -
Lithi cross stitch pattern
AUD $21.00
Here you can sort by the size of pattern. These sub-categories are sorted according to the longest stitch dimension, and are shown in stitches. As this category sorts by size, all designs including the R18+ are included.